FAM trip in Japan
I have been traveling around different areas in Japan but during the past days I have been introduced to a new gem for me. We were a group of people within the tourist industry from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Australia and Sweden joining this fam trip which started with one night in Tokyo before heading to Kiso in Nagano prefecture. Upon arrival we were welcomed by this sweet group.

So this is how the royalties feel during state visits?!
Kiso is famous for the historical trail “Nakasendoo”(中山道). Nakasendo is one of the five route that connected Kyoto to Edo (today’s Tokyo). These routes were nominated as official routes used by the shoogun and daimyoo to provide the Tokugawa shogunate in Edo with the necessary communications network to stabilise and rule Japan. There were 69 stations along the route and there are a few towns that still has the historical feeling to it. We visited four towns.

As we were walking in the nearby mountains the hills were sometimes a bit steep but the nature was just beautiful.

Apart from walking we had the possibility during on the mornings to try making soba noodles (buckweat noodles) and also chopsticks made of Kiso cypress which the area is known for.
It was an intensive schedule hiking, inspecting hotels, doing workshops, etc. but I am very happy and grateful for this opportunity. I would like to give a big thank you to everybody in Kiso who planned this program as well as bringing us around. I hope to bring guests to this area in a not too distant future!

Vi hörs! //Louise